The Brat Fights the Fat

March 31, 2006

1 Week Down & 3 to Go

Actually Purl, I think this is one of the best things I have down (outside of marriage, kids, etc.). I'm not saying it isn't hard to get up every morning and that I'm not sore and stiff and exhausted. It's an amazing workout, very challenging, but at the same time since you do so many things and each class is different, the hour just flies by. And I definitely know I'll see some real changes in my body by the time I'm done.

Anyway... today's bootcamp class:
Who ever knew there were that many different ways of doing lunges and squats.

Yup, did them all today. And whoever invented the skipping rope should be strangled with it. I have nightmares about being tied up with one of those bloody things. I'm amazed that I haven't tripped and gone flying yet. 'Course there's still 3 weeks to go and they're mighty fond of those stupid black strings of torture. Today's class started with a nice jog mixed with sprints. Weee! Then we did a cardio circuit (squat, skip, lunge, skip... you get the picture). 15 stations, 45 seconds each. If you survived that, you were rewarded with an weight circuit (bicept curls, crunches, shoulder presses, the plank, etc). Again 15 stations, 45 seconds each. Though it was pretty cool, 'cause Reg asked if I did weight training. ha ha ha. Not likely. But apparently my technique is really good and that's 90% of the battle. Yay Me!!

Tomorrow I get to sleep in na na nanana!

Menu so Far:

Other Stats:

posted by Krista at 7:48 AM 8 comments

March 30, 2006

Only one more day until I can sleep in!!!

My life has been reduce to counting the days until I can sleep past 6 am. I've already threatened my husband with all sorts of torture if he doesn't get up with the kids on Saturday morning.

I have to be really good with my eating today and tomorrow as my daughter turns two on Sunday and we have two b-day parties happening. Cake and cookies and hot dogs, oh my!

I've been struggling with eating this week. Mainly because I'm just ravenous. I think for the rest of bootcamp, I need to change the breakdown of my points. As you know, I have trouble not snacking on bad things. To combat that, I need to have heathier things to snack on. I'm not a big fruits & veggies person. Allergic to most fruits and some veggies, and just not a big fan of most veggies raw. I don't do yogurt or other milk based products. Any suggestions on other healthy snacks?

Bootcamp update:
Today was a heavy cardio day. My shins/calves were tight at the beginning, but loosened up fairly quickly. I think as long as I avoid any of the jumping activities and do the whole ice/advil routine, I should make it until the weekend when they can rest. I upped my stretching too which should help. Melissa came through with a couple new ways to torture us today. Ever tried to lie on your side on one elbow, legs straight and then tried to lift you hips off the ground. hehehe. I fell over so many times. I just don't have the balance and coordination. I have to say that it's a great all over workout. And by switching it up as much as she does, the class actually goes pretty quickly. And afterward, I don't feel to bad... well, at least I don't until I sit in one place for more than 15 minutes. If I do that, my whole body seizes and I walk like an old arthritic woman. I have to say that I'm entertaining all of my friends, family and coworkers with my whimpers.

Menu so Far:
Didn't quite get around to eating breakfast (DH was supposed to bring me something 'cause I forgot, but by the time he got here it was lunch time)
Mcdonalds Fries & Cheeseburger (12)
Skillet Sensation (6)
Cripsy Minis (2.5)
Pepsi (2)
Apple (0.5)

Water: 1.5L/2L
Sleep: 7
AP: 4
F&V: 2
Death Camp Countdown: 4 days down, 16 to go (3 weeks + 1 day left)
posted by Krista at 8:06 AM 5 comments

March 29, 2006

Back to the Old Challenge

Okay, it seems the more I try to do the no junk food challenge, the more I crave it. Yup, even after my declaration that I was not abandoning the challenge, I was actually worse. I think that this particular challenge is having the opposite effect for me. It triggers my naughty side... hehe, I'll just have this one little piece of chocolate because I'm not allowed.. hehehe. Thoughts kinda like that floating in my head. So as to not give up completely, I'm going to try to stick to last week's challenge instead as that one actually worked for me. Power to those of you who can give up junk food! And thanks for all the nice comments! Sorry that I haven't been commenting on your blogs. I will try to do so tonight!

Bootcamp update...
I can tell you that running in gravel and trying to pretend you're running on the beach in Mexico isn't nearly as much fun as actually running on the beach in Mexico. It's hard to maintain the illusion when you can see your breath. It was a good workout. Lots of things burning. Hopefully some of it fat. I'm a bit worried 'cause my calves and shins are sore. I've had problems with shin splints in the past and really don't want to get them this time. Not when I'm feeling good and accomplishing something. Any suggestions on how to prevent or treat them?
My doc's response was do less. He suggested water running. Great idea, but it ain't going to get me through the next 3 1/2 weeks of bootcamp.
It was nice to see that everyone seems to be struggling and I'm not the only one that has to modify some of the exercises. Only thought about throwing the weight at Melissa's head once this class, which is a bit of an improvement. It was after she made us do the tricept curls... we'd done ten and just as we're about to put our weights down in relief she says "okay, now do ten pulsing tricept curls... and then she made us do ten more pulses... and then ten more... I was getting a bit annoyed, but then as we're lowering the weights, she says "okay, now ten more full tricept curls". She is SATAN!! And worse than that, she's a PERKY SATAN!! And I won't even get started on Reg, her boyfriend and the other trainer.
For those of you that commented about the bootcamp and said you could never do it... you could. I'm not an in shape person by any stretch of the imagination. It's only an hour and everyone does what they can. In the last class they had one woman that just did it half heartedly and she lost 1/2 in off all her measurements.

Menu so Far:
Oatmeal (3)
Rice w/ Meatballs (8)
Cibatta Chicken Sandwich (6)
Fries (4)
Cheerio Mix (2)
Rye & Coke (5)

Pts: 28/22
Water: 0.5L/2L
Sleep: 6.5
AP: 3
F&V: 1.5
Death Camp: 3 down, 17 to go.
posted by Krista at 7:51 AM 6 comments

March 28, 2006

Well, that was a Short Challenge

Yup, failed that challenge already. Had a Rye & Pepsi and figured since I was out of the challenge anyway, had a couple of cookies too. I'm not making excuses, I didn't have to abandon the challenge, but here's the story behind the lapse...

My DD is anemic. She has her follow up appointment with the pediatrician on Friday to see if the iron supplements are helping and whether or not it was a diet issue or something more serious. In order for them to determine that, DD had to have another blood test. I'm not sure if I mentioned the last one, but it took 5 adults to hold down one 22 month old and it took two arms. So DA (or aka Dumb Ass or my husband) has known about this for weeks. I reminded him on the weekend. Suddenly after hardly working at all for the last two months he's too busy at work to go with us. Bullshit! It's not like I was asking him to leave in the middle of the day, we were going to do it after work. Anyway, I won't dwell on that. Luckily Grandma is an amazing woman and came with me. It was hell. My DD is very strong and after boot camp, I didn't have the strength to hold her down, so Grandma sat and held her in her lap while I held down the other arm. By the end, we were all covered with a sheen of sweat and I'm sure the poor technician who took the blood had to either go for a drink, a cigarette or a good cry. It was awfull.

So when I got home, I made myself a drink. I'm not giving up on the challenge, 'cause it's a good one. I'll just pretend yesterday never happened and that it's a 6 day challenge.

Oh and get this, you'd think, knowing he was in the doghouse, DA would be trying to get out... apparently not. I had asked DA to put my boots in my bag for work the next day (I go to boot camp and then straight to work, where I shower and get ready). Guess who's wearing sneakers with her nylons today. Yup, very sexy! At least I'm wearing pants and not a skirt. Way to go DA! When I called him on the boots, his response was "I couldn't find them" Ya think maybe it would have been helpful to know that before I was on my way out the door? When I'm already running late? Argh!

Anyway... Bootcamp update:
Today was actually pretty good. Didn't hurt nearly as much as I thought I would. Thanks for all the great comments! Did some running up a bit of a slope, with stairs and then some circuit training... lunges, bicept curls, skip rope, squats, tricept curls, plank, crunches, etc. and then a power walk with weights. All in all not as bad as I thought it would be. Apparently Thurday will be the hardest day to get out of bed.

Menu So Far:
Oatmeal (3)
Beef Barley Soup (2)
Bun w/ Margarine (4)
Lean Cuisine SKillet Sensations (6)
Cheerios (4)
Cheerio Mix (4)
BBQ Peanuts (5.5)
Taco Chips (3)

Pts 29.5/22

Water: 1.5L/2L
Sleep: 7.5 hrs <-- might have something to do with feeling better today
F&V: 1
AP: 3
Death Camp Countdown: 2 down, 18 to go
posted by Krista at 7:41 AM 3 comments

March 27, 2006

Am I Insane?!?

Who's wonderful idea was it to start Cardio Death, I mean Boot, Camp and the no junk food challenge in the same day? Oh yeah, it was mine. *sigh* I'd really like some white chocolate right now.

Day 1 of Boot Camp...
Always good to start something new looking stupid. Was slightly off of the locations of the boot camp... thought it was the same place we had our assessments yesterday. Spent 10 minutes in the parking lot looking lost and feeling ridiculous while the rest of the campers were doing their 1km timed run. Figured it out just as they were getting back. Oops! I didn't do it on purpose! Honest! It was a pretty good workout... at least, I'm going to assume the fact that it hurts to drive is a good sign. Thank god the keyboard is low at work. Did I mention my arms have the consistency of over cooked fetticini (spaghetti is too thin to describe my arms)? Have you ever tried to run with a yoga ball above your head? Looks stupid. Hurts. Great fun!! Oh god, my neck is itchy... do you think anyone at work will notice if I rub my neck against the wall?

My coworkers are getting quite a laugh out of this... especially when I whimpered picking up some paper. I hope my kids don't mind if I don't hug them for a month. I'm not sure I could get my hands up to my mouch, so that should help me lose weight.

I'm really afraid of what they'll feel like tomorrow... you know, the next day when things usuallly start to hurt. Oh god.

Did I mention that even the instructors seemed incredulous and did the "wow, you're doing 5 days a week" thing when I signed up. I don't think that's a good sign. I wonder if it's too late to switch.

Will post more late... can't type anymore... owwwwiiiiiieeeee! I want my mommy.

Is this wrong?
There are two women that I work with that have decided to join me at bootcamp. They're both very attractive, fit and skinny! Here's the "wrong" part... I'm quite happy to hear that their arms hurt too. One's arms have been shaking all morning and the other one's arms & abs hurt. Aren't I a horrible person. heheheh.

Menu So Far
Oatmeal (3)
Johnny Special Sandwich (7)
Prime Rib w/ Vegetable Soup (3)
Rye & Pepsi (5)
Cookies (6)

Water: 1.5L/2L
Sleep: 5.5 <-- daughter woke up... was so not happy with her
F&V: 2
AP's: 3 <-- I think it should be more... it definitely feels like more
Junk Food: Pepsi & Cookies<--Damn you Michelle (just kidding, actually this challenge will be really good for me as junk is my downfall).

Days left of Death Camp: 1 day down, 19 to go
posted by Krista at 8:16 AM 6 comments

March 25, 2006

Day #6 of 7 Day Challenge

Oh what a night! I consumed 32.5 pts worth of alcohol last night! But I did dance and dance and dance. (chech out the points damage in yesterday's post). Had a guy heading to Yellowknife today offer me a one night stand. hehehehe. It was hilarious. We had a lot of fun. Watched people (people are very strange), danced, gambled (lost $30), drank, talked. A wonderful night! Kudos to my friend that only had a couple of drinks during the whole night as she was DD. It can be tough to be the only sober person in a room full of drunk idiots (myself included), and she was awesome and fun through the whole night! Only have a tiny headache this morning (which is good 'cause I'm home alone with the kids who are way to "chipper" this morning).

Gotta pull my shit together soon though as we have a kids b-day party today and no present yet. Talked my baby brother into coming over today to help (he's 16 and for a teenager he's wonderful). I was 14 when he was born and helped a lot in raising him so we're really close. He's a great kid... honour roll student, championship archer and amazingly creative mechanically. Not that I'm biased or anything.

So to summarize my week so far...
Monday - 22 pts & 3 APs
Tuesday - 22 pts & 2 APs
Wednesday - 22 pts & 2 APs
Thursday - 22 pts & 0 APs
Friday - 50.5 pts & 6 APs (used the 6 AP's & 22.5 Flex Pts - 12.5 Flex pts remaining)

I think I did pretty good considering... still have one kid's party & one adult b-day dinner party to get through this week

Gonna go take a tylenol and eat some cheerios (with Pepsi, just for you Michelle :-P)
posted by Krista at 9:32 AM 5 comments

March 24, 2006

Day #5 of the 7 Day Challenge...

Provided Michelle gives me a pass for missing my AP's that is. It's 5:30 am and the only reason I'm conscious is to go get some those bloody AP's. I haven't had nearly enough sleep. I'm trying to figure out if I can swing going into work for my meetings and then sneaking out for a nap.

Anyone know how many AP's for dancing my ass off? 'Cause I plan on shaking my booty tonight! Will write more later. No really coherent yet.

Wow, I must really be tired... I just posted this on my kids website and didn't even realize it.

Okay, now I'm at least a little bit more awake. Did my workout at the gym. Got 3 AP's so made up one of the two I didn't do yesterday.

Menu So Far
1/3 Hershey Cookies 'n' Creme (2)
Subway Roasted Chicken (6)
Lean Cuisine Chicken Alfredo Skillet Sensation (6) <-- Very tasty
Rye & Coke (35) <-- at least that's the plan :-) ... Actually only had 32.5 pts 'cause I lost the last drink somewhere, picked up someone else's by mistake, but tasted funny so didn't finish it :-)

Water: 1.5L/2L
Sleep: 6.5
AP: 3 + 3 for dancing my ass off!!!
Days to Death Camp: 3
F&V: 1
posted by Krista at 5:54 AM 6 comments

March 23, 2006

Day #3 & 4 of the 7 Day Challenge

I'm all messed up now. I had a nap last night because I had a ton of work to do and need a little refresher before I got started. My DH was to wake me up in an hour (at 8 pm). After he put the kids to sleep, he fell asleep on the couch and didn't wake me until 1:30 AM. And since I had deadlines and the work had to be done, I got up and worked from home from 2 am to 6 am. At 6 am, I had a shower got dressed and left for work. So now it's 8:30 am and I'm ready for lunch. Anyone want to take bets as to how many times I fall asleep at my desk today?

Well, after working most of the night, then putting in a full day at work, coming home and being mommy and then putting in another 2 1/2 hours... well, I hate to admit defeat, but I did not get my AP's in today. It's not 10:30 pm and I've been awake since 1:30 am and I just can't do it. I need to go to sleep or tomorrow will be a write off too. If I make up the points tomorrow, Michelle, can I stay in the challenge?

Menu So Far:
Breakfast @ 4 am
Cheerios (3)
Breakfast @ 9 am
Oatmeal (3)
Butter Chicken & Rice (4)
Chicken Strips & Fries (7)
2/3 Hershey's Cookies 'n' Creme Bar (4)

Pts: 22/22
Water: 1.5L/2L
Sleep: 6.5 hours (7 pm to 1:30 am)
AP: 0
F&V: 0
Days to Death Camp: 4
posted by Krista at 8:39 AM 4 comments

March 22, 2006

Day #3 of the 7 Day Challenge

Already got my 2 AP's in! Yeah!

Finding it hard to stay OP though. I didn't notice until I started this challenge but my daily points dropped from 24 to 22 and man am I missing those 2 pts. I'm trying really hard not to dip into my flex or activity points as I'm going for a girls' night on Friday night and plan on drinking (at 5 pts per Rye & Coke, my flexies equal 7 drinks... I can have a lot of fun on 7 drinks). The challenge has really helped me fight the temptation to go over my points though, so thanks Michelle!!

Menu So Far:
Rice Cakes (1)
Johnny Special Sandwich (6)
Lean Cuisine Skillet Sensations (4)
Rye & Coke (5)
1/2 Hershey's Cookies n Creme (3)
Cheerio Mix (2)

Water: 1L/2L
Sleep: 7 hrs
F&V: 2
AP: 2 <-- 30 minutes on the treadmill (15 of which was running)!!
Days to Death Camp: 5
posted by Krista at 8:29 AM 6 comments

March 21, 2006

Day #2 of the 7 Day Challenge

One day down, six to go and so far so good. Ate just my points (22) yesterday and did 3 AP's. I haven't done any AP's so far today, but will do my standing Pilates DVD tonight.

Had to breakdown and go shopping yesterday. I'm not a big fan of shopping, but my main pair of black pants (size 18) were getting so big that they were sagging everywhere. I bought a new pair of black pants (size 14!!), a new pair of jeans (they were the same brand of jeans I bought in January that I loved 'cause they're the first pair of flattering jeans I've ever owned, but are getting too big) and a couple of new tops. Gotta love Winners (2 pants + 4 shirts = $110).

*Oh I did my WI this morning and I'm down 0.5 lbs. Considering last week, I'm thrilled!

Menu So Far:
Oatmeal (3)
OJ (1)
Nachos (8)
Annies w/ peas & gr. beef (6)
Cheerio Mix (4)

Pts: 22/22
AP: 2 (Standing Pilates DVD)
Water: 1.5L/2L
Sleep: 6.5
F&V: 2
Days to Death Camp: 6
posted by Krista at 7:51 AM 6 comments

March 20, 2006

Bring it On!!

To help me get out of the blahs (see yesterday's post), Michelle has issued a challenge.
The challenge:
7 days OP
Breakfast everyday
2 AP per day

Bring it on Michelle!! I've already got my 2 AP's for today, in fact I got 3!! And had breakfast (not pepsi & cheerios either)!!

Menu so Far:
Oatmeal (3)
OJ (1)
Macaroni & Cheese (9)
WW Creamy Fetticini Primivera (7)
Popcorn (2)

Total Pts: 22 pts

Water: 0.5L/2L
AP: 3 (walking/running on treadmill for 30 minutes + 10 minutes of pilates type exercises)
Sleep: 5.5 hours
Days to Death Camp: 1 week aaaaahhhhh!
F&V: 1.5
posted by Krista at 8:02 AM 4 comments

March 18, 2006

Blah Day

I'm sliding back down the slippery slope of bad habits. I've hardly exercised all week. I don't think I've had 3 servings of vegetables this week, let alone a day. I'm not getting enough sleep or water. I had Pepsi & cheerios for breakfast and pizza for dinner last night. I haven't been traking my points. I don't know what's with me. I just feel kinda blah.

I think the pressure is starting to get to me. I've got all these deadlines and I'm starting to panic. At work, I have to give the go/no go decision on a project. I haven't finished testing and if I say go and there's problems it'll come back to me. And it's a major project ~ a new version of the POS system that will be going into 100+ stores. Talk about major implications if something goes wrong. I haven't done enough testing and I'm worried that I'm not going to have enough time to get it done. At home, money is a big issue right now. We're expecting some money to come in by the end of the month, but until then things will be really tight. I'm sure those of you who've had money struggles before will relate the pressure money puts on a family.

I'm also feeling the pressure in terms of weightloss. I've got the death camp coming up and that scares me. I'm not an athletic person and while I'm making progress, I'm scared that I won't be able to do this. That I'll injure myself or worse humiliate myself. I'm worried about running out of time to lose the weight before my surgery. I thought I'd set a realistic and doable goal, but as each week passed with little to now change, I don't think my goal is going to be attainable now. I'm terrified of the surgery itself, even more so of the recovery after. I won't be able to hug my kids or lift them or do a lot of things. I'm scared that all the work I've done to lose the weight will be wasted, that while I'm recovering from my surgery, I'll gain it all back. I'm going to be going from exercising 3 - 4 times a week to not being able to get out of bed without assistance. Hell, I'm even scared that I'll be losing part of my identity by having this surgery. It's one thing that has always set me apart from most everyone else. Krista, the one with the big...
I know that the surgery makes sense and everyone I've talked to who's had it done is thrilled. I'm just being a ninny. Hopefully I'll snap out of it soon.

Menu so Far:
Pepsi (3)
Cheerios (3)
WW Twice Baked Garlic Potato (3)

Water: 0L/2L
Sleep: 8 hrs
Days to Death Camp: 9
Vegetables: 0
AP: 0

I don't ususally do more than one post a day, but I felt this warranted it. A friend's site (Kasanika) had this link on it. I decided to check it out. I laughed so hard that sound stopped coming out of my mouth. If you need a good belly laugh, I suggest you check it out. So far my favourites are Betty Davis Eyes and Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy.

posted by Krista at 2:06 PM 3 comments

March 17, 2006

Back on Track

Finally got a morning workout in! It feels so good! I dragged my stepmom out for a workout last night too! I'm starting to see some real progress in my running. I read an article in one of the running magazines that my husband is alway buying me and it suggested ignoring the watch for a while and just running by listening to your body. I tried that today and found that I could run much longer intervals before stopping. It felt great! I really enjoy running. All other cardio exercises has me counting the seconds until I can stop, but with running I just want to keep going. I'm worried that I'll get injured again though. I'm trying to take all the precautions that I can. I especially don't want to injure myself with death camp coming up. I've had a couple of people (ones that didn't know I was trying to lose weight) make comments about how good I was looking and saying that I've lost weight. Gotta like that, eh? Great motivation to keep at it.

Menu so Far:
Really need to start eating breakfast again
1/2 Wendy's Cheeseburger
1/2 Wendy's Medium Fries
Pepperoni Pizza

Water: 1L/2L
AP: 2
Sleep: 6.5 hrs
Days to Death Camp: 10
Vegetables: 1
posted by Krista at 9:08 AM 5 comments

March 16, 2006

Morning Chaos

I missed my workout again this morning. I woke up with a killer headache and took a couple of tylenol (I'd like to profess my undying love for the creators of Tylenol Ultra - they are GODS!). Just as the Tylenol started to kick in, my son comes in to inform me that our Nanny has "running poop and is puking". He then announces, "I'll get the blankets. Mom, you get the puke bucket. Dad, you get the pillows." He then dashes out of the room to do just that (by the time I got downstairs, he had pillows & blankets on the couch all laid out for our Nanny, with a puke bucket ride beside the couch). By the time I call my stepmom (wonderful women, even if she calls me brat), get the kids dressed and drop them off at her house, I'm already an hour and a half late for work. Luckily my work is flexible and I have some banked time saved. But, I haven't figured out when I'll make it to the gym. I'm at the lab again, so I can't even go to the gym on my lunch. And I don't want to impose on my stepmom longer than necessary. Oh well, I will figure it out. I must get some exercise in today or I will go crazier than I already am.

Menu So Far:
You don't actually think I found time to eat, given the morning I had?!
Roast Beef Sandwich

Water: 0.5L/2L
AP: 0
Sleep: 6.5
Days to Death Camp: 11
Vegetables: 0
posted by Krista at 12:51 PM 2 comments

March 15, 2006

Water, I need Water!

Did I ever fall off the water wagon. I don't think I've had 1 L total in the last couple of days. I can almost hear my poor dehydrated body crying in a pathetic little voice "water, i need water". Great visual in my head too, to bad I can't share it. Not a great day eating. Was at a store at 6 am this morning and worked solid to 1:30. Had half a muffin around 11 and then by the time I headed home I was so hungry and tired, I stoped at the evil glowing arches. I think I've managed to miss each and every one of my daily goals today...

Menu so Far:
Muffin <-- don't know what kind, I was so hungry at that point it quite possibly could have been cardboard and I doubt I would have noticed.

Mcdonalds fries (7) <-- I even ordered the medium fries. damn you evil glowing arches!! Mcdonalds cheeseburger (7)

Skillet Sensation (6) <-- DH's idea. Quick, Easy, Tasty and six points! DH Rules!!

Water: 0L/2L <-- How sad is that. Not even half a liter. Must go drink water, it's not like it's hard to find.
Sleep: 2 hrs <-- way off goal here too (DD was up most of the night with an upset tummy and finally went to bed just as it was time for me to get ready for work)
Vegetables: 1 What are these, I have a vague memory of them I think... could have been a dream though.
AP: Just call me queen of the sloths.

Days to Death Camp: no freakin' idea, not even sure what day today is, but I can tell you it's coming way to soon. I ain't ready!! Aaaahhhh!!
posted by Krista at 6:26 PM 1 comments

March 14, 2006

Dancing Dancing Everywhere

Thanks for the comments everyone! And thanks for dancing with me! It means a lot to me (and to my husband). --> My husband has been laughing since he read them last night. He's been picturing a bunch of women around the continent dancing the happy dance and because in his mind you're all dancing just like me, he can't stop laughing. Every time he looks at me he starts all over again.

My husband stopped to visit his Mother on his way home last night and while he was there he read my blog. He stopped and bought me flowers to congratulate me on the loss and hitting a major goal. Ain't he sweet!

Menu so Far:
Breakfast <-- I meant to eat, but I had to be at a store at 7 am and I slept in and was late and then I was at the store, so I just didn't get a chance. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Pizza <--- work lunch (will try to be good)


Water: 0L/2L
Days to Death Camp: 13 <-- I told a friend at work and now she has signed up too. I have mixed feelings about this. She's really nice, but she's also really skinny and pretty and she'll probably glow during camp, while I will turn bright red (actually it's almost a purple colour), the sweat will pour off me and I look like a derranged escapee from a mental institution.
Sleep: no idea, but not nearly enough
AP: see excuse for missing breakfast... also applies here
Vegetables: how many servings of vegetables in the pizza sauce?
posted by Krista at 11:48 AM 6 comments

March 13, 2006

Happy Happy Joy Joy!

I want you all to picture me doing the happy dance!! Once you've stopped laughing ('cause I look really funny), I'll tell you that I lost another 1.5 lbs!! Woohoo! I don't know which is more exciting. That I lost a pound and a half, that I've hit my pre-pregnancy weight or (and the most likely candidate) I GET A DAY WITHOUT THE KIDS!!! Just a sec, I'm dancing again!! Are you all picturing a white chick dancing to music that nobody else can hear?!? It's not pretty! Woohoo! Gee, ya think I'm a little excited? Any suggestions as to what I should do with this rare day off? Shopping? Sleeping? Reading? All of the above and more?!? Woohoo! Okay, I'll stop now. Hope everyone has a kickass freaking awesome day!!

Menu so Far:
Crackers <-- DD shared her cold and am currently swallowing razor blades, but I don't care 'cause I lost 1.5 lbs!!

Water: 0L/2L
AP: 0 <-- stayed home sick today, so might look funny if I show up at gym (which is at work), but am supposed to go running tonight
Sleep: no idea as it seemed like I was awake most of the night with this cold, but plan on sleeping a good portion of the day away to make up for that
Days to Death Camp: 14 (I think)
Vegetables: I promise to get some of these today
posted by Krista at 9:23 AM 6 comments

March 12, 2006

Busy Weekend

I haven't had a chance to do any of my usual things, like posting here or tracking my points. I don't even remember what I did or ate Friday, but I don't think it was too bad (and no, the blank is not due to alcohol... I have nothing to blame but my own memory). Saturday we headed into Richmond and spend the night at my parents. It was our friends 30th Birthday and the grandparents babysat. It was nice to have an evening out with adults. Unfortunately, my DD and I were both under the weather, so it wasn't quite as much fun as it could have been. The upside is that I didn't eat as much on Saturday night as I would have if I'd been feeling better. We went to Theater Sports and it was quite funny. I'm so ready for bed, but I've still got two kids to get to bed first. Hopefully I'll have time to catch up on your blogs before I pass out.

Menu So Far:
Toast (3)
Annies (6)
Spaghetti (9)
Cheerio Mix (4)

Water: 1L/2L
Sleep: 7 hrs <-- Thank you Grandma!! for getting up with the kids this morning
Days to Death Camp: ? <-- I lost track and don't currently have the brain power to figure it out right now
Vegetables: 1 <-- need to do better here
posted by Krista at 7:05 PM 2 comments

March 10, 2006

San Fransisco Marathon

Those of you that read Purl's website know that she's planning on running in the Nike's Woman's Marathon in San Fran in October. She's also hoping some of us will join her. I thought about it. Went to the website, looked at all the information. Calculated how many times around the track a half marathon is and how long it would take me at my current pace. (Sorry, I'm an accountant, I can't help it). It seems doable. I started to get excited. My husband and I started talking about going down for the weekend and where we would stay and things we'd like to do and see. Then I realized that if I'm having my surgery during the summer, I probably won't be able to run by October and even if I could, I wouldn't be able to train. And training would be essential, 'cause right now I usually do about 7 - 8 trips around the track and a half marathon is almost 53. I'm actually really disappointed. It sounds like a lot of fun (well, maybe not the actual running part). I think I will try to set that as a goal for next year though.

Menu So Far:
bacon (7)
hashbrowns (5)
Chicken Strips & Fries (8)

Water: 1L/2L
AP: 2
Days to Death Camp: 17
Sleep: 7 hrs
Vegetables: 0
posted by Krista at 8:44 AM 3 comments

March 09, 2006

Supportive Family & Friends

My friends and family have been so supportive through my weight loss attempt. It's been wonderful and their support has been essential in the progress I've made, but sometimes...

Most of the time, I'd rather not draw attention to my weight loss attempts. And I know they're trying to help, but having F&F constantly commenting on how much of a difference they see, etc. makes me uneasy. I'm not saying I don't want them to comment and F&F that are reading this, please don't take this the wrong way. I feel like it's adding to the pressure. Often I feel like people that know I'm trying to lose weight are commenting 'cause they feel they should. You know, like when someone has a new haircut and you feel compelled to say something, even if it's not a good haircut. Someone mentioned that my butt looked smaller. I inherited what we call a "pancake ass". In other words, it's flat. It's always been flat, and will always probably be flat. So if it looks smaller to her (which I find hard to believe), how did it look to her before? And what is she doing looking at my ass? I know everyone means well and I shouldn't complain because some people are trying to do this without any support.

Where I was going with this post, but ran out of time...
The other thing I find happening with my F&F is that they appologize for eating in front of me. And while I can see there point and I appreciate the sentiment. It just doesn't bother me. I'm not on a diet, I'm using WW as a tool to help me make better choices. If I want to eat KFC or bacon, I can. Since I don't think it's worth it, I more often than not choose not to eat it. I find that as I let go of the addictions to fast food and junk food, I don't crave it as often and I find it easier to turn down. The way that food makes me feel, both physically and emotionally is just not worth it (most of the time). Though, I appreciate that they're trying to help, I do feel bad that people feel that they need to "eat on eggshells" around me.

On a fun note, I took the kids shoe shopping tonight. Apparently I'd been neglectful in that area since each kid went up a bunch (DS went from 8.5 to 10 & DD from 5 to 6). Oops! No wonder DD cried when we tried to put her shoes on lately. Bad Mommy!

Menu so Far:
Completely missed breakfast... cranky DD, late for work, at the testing lab rather than the office where I keep food
Mcdonalds Fries (5)
Mcdonalds Cheeseburger (7) <--- Ironic considering my topic about food today
Campbell's Chunky Prime Rib & Vegetable Soup (5)
Rye & Pepsi (5)
Crispy Minis (2)

Water: 0.5L/2 <--- didn't have my water bottle with me today, trying to catch up
Sleep: 6.5 hrs
Days to Death Camp: 18 (aaahhhh! I'm not starting to panic, really I'm not.)
Vegetables: 0.5
AP: 0 <-- see reason/excuse beside lack of breakfast
posted by Krista at 10:52 AM 3 comments

March 08, 2006

Definition is Devine

So, even though my WI is officially Tuesday, I find that my lowest day seems to be Wednesday. So, of course I couldn't resist checking and sure enough, I'm down a pound. I'll take it!!

The best part of yesterday was noticing the changes in my body. Even my husband commented on what a difference there is. My legs have more definition, which is cool, but the best part is the changes in my waist. My personal trainer has me focusing on building my core muscles (since I don't have any), so I've been doing a lot with my abs and I can really see a difference. Makes my boobs seem even more huge, but I'm not going to complain about that either. And my husband is certainly not complaining about that! He's still in denial about the planned breast reduction surgery this summer.

I can't wait to see what a difference the boot camp will make to my body. Though I'm terrified about going. I'm worried that I won't be able to keep up and that all the other people in the class will be fit and skinny. I'm worried that I'll get injured and won't be able to complete it. But I'm not going to let fear stop me. I hope.

Menu So Far:
Oatmeal (3)
Chicken Quesadilla (6)
Homemade mac & cheese w/ ground beef (6)
Carrots (2)
Bacon (5)
Crispy Minis (4)
Rye & Coke (4.5)

Water: 1L/2L
Sleep: 6.5 <-- almost at my goal of 7 hours
AP: slept in instead (break day)
Days to Death Camp: 19
Fruits & Veggies: 2
posted by Krista at 9:09 AM 5 comments

March 07, 2006

No Change

Weighed in this morning and stayed the same, but considering my weekend, I'm just glad I didn't gain. Will write more later... off to the gym... or bed... no I must go to the gym... or bed... fine, I'll go to the gym.

I'm happy to report, I dragged my ass out of bed and went to the gym. Of course, I'd be quite happy to crawl back into bed now if it weren't for that pesky little detail called work. I'm glad I went though because as I was getting ready for work after my workout, I felt and I think I looked thinner. And I definitely need new pants.

Menu so Far:
Oatmeal (3)
Turkey Sandwich w/ lots of Veggies (5)
Homemade Mac & Cheese w/ gr. beef (9)
Cauliflower w/ Cheese Sauce (2)
Cheerio Mix (4)

Water: 1.5L/2L
AP: 2 <-- The need to have the exercises in 5 min intervals not ten otherwise this would be 2.5
Sleep: 5.5 hours (oops)
Days to Death Camp: 20
Fruits & Veggies: 3 <-- woohoo! hit goal today
posted by Krista at 5:56 AM 6 comments

March 06, 2006

Manic Monday

The next two weeks are going to be crazy at work. I actually prefer it that way. I have to make sure that I don't let the stress affect my eating. With that in mind I'm going to the grocery store on the way home tonight to stock up on healthy foods. I make much better choices and prepare much healthier foods if I have the ingredients on hand and plan ahead. It's when I don't know what to cook or eat that I tend to fall back on old, bad habits.

Slept in this morning and didn't do my workout, but I'm supposed to go running with a friend tonight. She's running 10 k and I'm just re-starting, so we'll go to the track and that way we can run at different paces. That and it's easier on my knees and shins. I'll try not to hate her for being skinny, beautiful and nice.

Menu so Far:
Oops! Missed Breakfast
Beef Stew (5)
Bun & Margarine (4)
Pasta w/ peas (6)
Cadbury Thins (4) <--- what can I say, it's that TOM
Crispy Minis (2)

Water: 1L/2L
Sleep: 6 1/2 hours
Vegetables: 2.5
AP: 2
Days to Death Camp: 21
posted by Krista at 9:50 AM 3 comments

March 05, 2006

My Son, the Enabler

Yup, my four year old son has become a great enabler already. I'm not a cookie person, I can take them or leave them. They've never been a weakness of mine. That said, there's one type of cookie I can't resist... Rainbow Chips Ahoy. I used to buy the mini ones and eat the whole bag in one sitting. Not knowing that my DH bought a bag of the regular sized ones. After my kids and I each had one, my son turns to me and says...

"if your tummy says you need to eat a cookie, that's okay. And if Katie's tummy tells her she needs to eat a cookie, that's okay too. And if my tummy says it needs to eat a cookie, well then that's fine too. Let's eat another cookie!"

So we each ate another cookie. In fact over the course of the day, we polished off the whole bag. They were soooo good.

This whole weekend has been a wash for eating. Not so much that I ate over my points, but just made really bad choices. Instead of a nice healthy lunch... I ate cookies. Instead of a nutritious dinner, I had cheerio mix. Yup, not one fruit or vegetable all weekend. Not even close to enough water. I'm pretty sure I'm PMS'ing, not that it's an excuse. I'm going after work tomorrow and restocking all my healthy food and getting back on track. I'm actual craving something healthy for dinner tonight, which I take as a good sign. I used to eat like that (but much worse) all the time and it just doesn't do it for me anymore. I think I'll go eat a cucumber now.

And for those of you that were asking about the death, I mean boot camp... here's the website of the one I've signed up for Core Boot Camp. Anyone want to join me? There seems to be a lot of them out there; maybe there's one near you. Dare ya!
posted by Krista at 1:46 PM 2 comments

March 02, 2006

I blame Purl!

Okay, not really, but March 27th she might not be my favourite blogger. I've finally found and signed up for a boot camp near me. Not the same company as the one Purl's doing, but same idea. I have less than a month to get in good enough shape to not die during death camp. My husband thinks I'm insane. I don't think I'll tell anyone about it until I see if I can survive. It's just what I need to kick some weight loss butt! I suspect my trainer won't be as naive as Purl's, but I can hope. Off to bed, since I have to get up and go to the gym tomorrow.
posted by Krista at 11:18 PM 6 comments


I knew my husband (hb - term used on msn to refer to husband, sorry forgot to switch terms for on here... and well, Darling Husband (DH) just didn't apply) wouldn't get the letter until he got home from work and I didn't want to be there when he did, so we went to hand at my dad's for a bit. DH got the letter and the fact that we weren't home and didn't leave a note gave him a bit of a scare. Not what I meant to do, but probably a good wake up call on how serious I was. After my DD went to bed (my DS stayed at Grandma's - she's more fun), we had a really good talk. I'd calmed down by then and we were able to discuss things. I think he gets why I was upset and I hope things will get better. Thanks for all the wonderfully supportive comments yesterday. It really made a difference and stopped me from punishing my self with food (as Carmen put it). Too true!!

Didn't make the gym this morning, but will go tonight. It'll be just what I need to put the cheezies behind me!

Menu so Far:
Breakfast <--- missed this, bad girl, as I was in meetings all morning Lunch
WW Chicken, vegetables & Rice (7)
Ginger steak (5)
Rice (5)
Cheerio Mix (4)
Crispy Minis (3)
Pepsi (2)

Water: 1L/2L
AP: 2
WP: 26/28
posted by Krista at 12:18 PM 2 comments

March 01, 2006

Emotional Eater

I"m definitely an emotional eater. As I write this post, I'm having Cheezies for breakfast and I don't even care.

I had a fight with my hb last night & this morning and I just don't know what to do anymore. It's always the same problems. Nothing ever changes or improves. I'm tired of being lied to. I'm tired of being the only responsible one. I'm just tired. I've been working so hard to make positive changes in my life. To take back control over my eating. Over my body. And now, I just don't feel like I have any control. I just feel like, why bother? What's the point?

I'm not usually one to get so discouraged. Thank you for all your support. I especially found Rachel's post to be inspirational. I sat down and wrote out a letter to my hb explaining why I was upset (sort of a pros & cons list) and emailed it to him. I've asked him to read it and to think about what I said, what he wants and what his priorities are. After the kids are in bed tonight, I hope to sit down with him and talk it all out. He's not a bad guy, he just needs to grow up and be a responsible member of our family. We'll see how it goes.

After my Cheezies and reading Anne's post, I at least got back on track with my food. I did eat some bad food for lunch, but rather than just pigging out without thought, I found the points value and went for a half size. I'm going to control what I can control and work on the rest. Thanks again everyone!!

Menu so Far:
Cheezies (1.5) <--- luckily, they're not too high in points
Perogies (4)
Sausage (3.5)
WW Chicken, Vegetables & Rice (7)

Water: 1.5L/2L
AP: 0
WP: 25/24

posted by Krista at 8:42 AM 7 comments