The Brat Fights the Fat

May 29, 2007

Best/Worst Diet

I've lost 4.5 lbs!! Woohoo!!

Unfortunately that's been in 3 days. Yup, I've been horribly, grotesquely sick. I won't go into details (I only to that to my husband and only 'cause it really freaks him out), but it has not been a fun couple of days. I think I'm finally coming out the other side of this nasty little bug (fingers crossed). My kids have already been through it and I'm glad; 'cause they didn't get it as bad and I don't think I'd have the energy to take care of them at the moment if they were sick.

Got in trouble from my boss and my best friend for coming into work today. I probably should have worked from home, but kinda had to come in. We're a big enough company that we have to have a Level 2 first aid attendant on site. We're down a bunch of attendants, so that pretty much left me as the only one this week. Which means that if I didn't come to work, they'd have to bring someone in. It worked out okay and the day is almost over. Besides, at least at work no one is jumping on me.

No all I have to do is figure out how to keep the loss once I start eating again, 'cause I don't think I'll last very long on crackers and water. Maybe I should look at this as a cleansing and try to avoid putting anything bad back into my system. Good time to cut out pop again and junk food. 'Course it's really easy to swear off those tasty treats when you're afraid to eat anything. I'm going to at least try, 'cause I really like the number I'm at right now. :-)

On another positive note, I dragged my husband and my stepmommy to a nutritional shopping tour at our grocery store. It was great (I would recommend checking if your local store offers them), tons of great information and the chance to ask a registered dietitian questions. She gave us some really good guidelines on things like cereal and cheese (e.g. your cereal should have 6g or less of sugar and a min of 3g of fibre). The best part was that my husband was really listening and paying attention. He's not known for his healthy eating (when she mentioned that he should be having 8 - 10 servings of fruits and vegetables, his response was "a month?" - thought I doubt he even gets that much), so any improvement would be great. Especially since he does the grocery shopping and it seems some magical elves or other such beings sneak into his basket and steal the fruits and vegetables that I've put on the list. ' Cause they never seem to make it home. It was also reassuring to know that my son is getting enough meat servings. She had some great meal and snack ideas too.

Now all I have to do is find the time to make a list and actually go shopping.
posted by Krista at 2:55 PM


I a month! Haha - that's hilarious. Glad to hear it went well, hopefully you'll be able to convince him to make some lasting changes!

4:02 PM  

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