The Brat Fights the Fat

February 23, 2007


So, my husband has joined this challenge and he's never had any experience with dieting or even attempting to eat healthy. To say that it has been a wake up call for him is a huge understatement. While I've been dieting/trying to eat healthy for the last year, he would often look at me and say/think, "can't you just not eat that" or he'd look at me when I was having something I should with judgement in his eyes. He wasn't trying to be mean, he just didn't understand. Well, last night, if I was a mean person, was payback (p.s. I must be a mean person, 'cause I kinda enjoyed his pain). Picture this...


On the couch.

In the fetal position.

Whining. "I'm hungry"

Even though he'd just eaten 3 cups of popcorn.

He was even rocking back and forth at one point.

It's interesting to see a man who never seemed to eat much (besides chips and slurpees) suddenly hungry all the time.

He was even cursing the TV because of all the food ads.

Paybacks a bitch, ain't it honey?!?
posted by Krista at 12:12 PM


too funny! what I wouldn't give to have my husband live a day of my pain - I envy you!!!

1:15 PM  

That IS funny! Well, maybe he'll learn a little lesson from this experience.

4:08 PM  

No sympathy from me!! Sucks to be you Scott. Too funny Krista.

4:40 PM  

Oh my! That's awful! I would so do the same thing to my hubby if I had too! He has absolutely no sympathy for me when I get sore from working out and I have none for him in anything, especially now that he is starting martial arts again. So don't worry about feeling bad not having sympathy, I'm sure he deserves it a little!

6:44 AM  

oh, I laughed! does that make me evil??

sorry I haven't been commenting much - life since Christmas has just been hectic! (Jenn)

8:50 PM  

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