The Brat Fights the Fat

March 30, 2006

Only one more day until I can sleep in!!!

My life has been reduce to counting the days until I can sleep past 6 am. I've already threatened my husband with all sorts of torture if he doesn't get up with the kids on Saturday morning.

I have to be really good with my eating today and tomorrow as my daughter turns two on Sunday and we have two b-day parties happening. Cake and cookies and hot dogs, oh my!

I've been struggling with eating this week. Mainly because I'm just ravenous. I think for the rest of bootcamp, I need to change the breakdown of my points. As you know, I have trouble not snacking on bad things. To combat that, I need to have heathier things to snack on. I'm not a big fruits & veggies person. Allergic to most fruits and some veggies, and just not a big fan of most veggies raw. I don't do yogurt or other milk based products. Any suggestions on other healthy snacks?

Bootcamp update:
Today was a heavy cardio day. My shins/calves were tight at the beginning, but loosened up fairly quickly. I think as long as I avoid any of the jumping activities and do the whole ice/advil routine, I should make it until the weekend when they can rest. I upped my stretching too which should help. Melissa came through with a couple new ways to torture us today. Ever tried to lie on your side on one elbow, legs straight and then tried to lift you hips off the ground. hehehe. I fell over so many times. I just don't have the balance and coordination. I have to say that it's a great all over workout. And by switching it up as much as she does, the class actually goes pretty quickly. And afterward, I don't feel to bad... well, at least I don't until I sit in one place for more than 15 minutes. If I do that, my whole body seizes and I walk like an old arthritic woman. I have to say that I'm entertaining all of my friends, family and coworkers with my whimpers.

Menu so Far:
Didn't quite get around to eating breakfast (DH was supposed to bring me something 'cause I forgot, but by the time he got here it was lunch time)
Mcdonalds Fries & Cheeseburger (12)
Skillet Sensation (6)
Cripsy Minis (2.5)
Pepsi (2)
Apple (0.5)

Water: 1.5L/2L
Sleep: 7
AP: 4
F&V: 2
Death Camp Countdown: 4 days down, 16 to go (3 weeks + 1 day left)
posted by Krista at 8:06 AM


Have you tried Jicama? It is wonderful! Alot of people have not tried it! It is very moist, very little calories and slightly sweet! It is a great snack, with or without a healthy dip. I usually peel it and cut it in strips (kinda like raw french fries) Hope you find a healthy snack that you like, and are not allergic to. You need to keep your strength up. You are doing great!

9:33 AM  

Some not fruit, low point snacks:

- laughing cow light cheese (SO yummy and 1 point for a wedge)

- Trader Joes (if there's one near you) makes Soytzels. They are mini pretzel sticks but made with soy. Now, I'm not one to like soy based snacks... but these taste JUST like pretzels. High in fiber and protein and 2 points for a serving

- Triscuits. 2 points for a serving

- Reduced fat/sugar granolla bars. The Quaker ones are 2 points

- 1 tbsp peanut butter on wheat bread (3 points)

Ok... thats all I have right now, but I'll let you know if I come up with anything else!

12:49 PM  

those exercises are great for the love handles..I do them all the time....

you are doing great Krista
hope your babe has a lovely 2nd birthday! It goes so quick. :)

1:31 PM  

ohmigod: two birthday parties? you brave, brave girl...

But, congrats on sticking with boot camp! That may just prepare you enough for two birthday parties...ack!

(and happy b-day to your daughter!)

3:31 PM  

Re: Bootcamp - do you hate me??? :)

It sounds fantastic...

5:47 AM  

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