The Brat Fights the Fat

March 09, 2006

Supportive Family & Friends

My friends and family have been so supportive through my weight loss attempt. It's been wonderful and their support has been essential in the progress I've made, but sometimes...

Most of the time, I'd rather not draw attention to my weight loss attempts. And I know they're trying to help, but having F&F constantly commenting on how much of a difference they see, etc. makes me uneasy. I'm not saying I don't want them to comment and F&F that are reading this, please don't take this the wrong way. I feel like it's adding to the pressure. Often I feel like people that know I'm trying to lose weight are commenting 'cause they feel they should. You know, like when someone has a new haircut and you feel compelled to say something, even if it's not a good haircut. Someone mentioned that my butt looked smaller. I inherited what we call a "pancake ass". In other words, it's flat. It's always been flat, and will always probably be flat. So if it looks smaller to her (which I find hard to believe), how did it look to her before? And what is she doing looking at my ass? I know everyone means well and I shouldn't complain because some people are trying to do this without any support.

Where I was going with this post, but ran out of time...
The other thing I find happening with my F&F is that they appologize for eating in front of me. And while I can see there point and I appreciate the sentiment. It just doesn't bother me. I'm not on a diet, I'm using WW as a tool to help me make better choices. If I want to eat KFC or bacon, I can. Since I don't think it's worth it, I more often than not choose not to eat it. I find that as I let go of the addictions to fast food and junk food, I don't crave it as often and I find it easier to turn down. The way that food makes me feel, both physically and emotionally is just not worth it (most of the time). Though, I appreciate that they're trying to help, I do feel bad that people feel that they need to "eat on eggshells" around me.

On a fun note, I took the kids shoe shopping tonight. Apparently I'd been neglectful in that area since each kid went up a bunch (DS went from 8.5 to 10 & DD from 5 to 6). Oops! No wonder DD cried when we tried to put her shoes on lately. Bad Mommy!

Menu so Far:
Completely missed breakfast... cranky DD, late for work, at the testing lab rather than the office where I keep food
Mcdonalds Fries (5)
Mcdonalds Cheeseburger (7) <--- Ironic considering my topic about food today
Campbell's Chunky Prime Rib & Vegetable Soup (5)
Rye & Pepsi (5)
Crispy Minis (2)

Water: 0.5L/2 <--- didn't have my water bottle with me today, trying to catch up
Sleep: 6.5 hrs
Days to Death Camp: 18 (aaahhhh! I'm not starting to panic, really I'm not.)
Vegetables: 0.5
AP: 0 <-- see reason/excuse beside lack of breakfast
posted by Krista at 10:52 AM


HAha - I'm sure lots of people are looking at your ass ;)

That would be great if you did the marathon! And yes you get all the stuff even for the half ;)

The link is on my blog:

4:05 PM  

I had to laugh about your shoe shopping discovery. The exact same thing happened with my DS a couple weeks ago. He went from size 7 to 9 runners. He complains every time he puts his boots on that his big toe hurts. I'm a terrible mom because instead of buying him new boots I'm praying for the snow to melt!!

9:37 AM  

You both are BRAVE women for even thinking about the marathon! Hope you'll be able to do it next year. It will be a good goal to work on. And what fun you will have on the trip! San Francisco is a blast!

I know what you mean about the comments from f&f! I either decide I am doing so good cuz they said so that I can spurge on something and then something else...well, you know where that is leading! But sometimes it just plain feels weird! And what did they think I looked like before if they are saying how much better I look now? I am glad I am not the only one who sometimes feels weird about it!

12:24 PM  

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