The Brat Fights the Fat

May 09, 2007


There seems to be a direct correlation between my success in terms of weight loss and blogging. I've hovered around the same point since I've stopped blogging. Sometimes losing a bit, sometimes gaining. Given that evidence, I think it's time I returned to the land of blog. I know most of my readers have long since given up on me and moved on to more interesting pastures. And I know some of my favourite reads and supportive bloggers have disappeared too. But, I will re-embark on this journey again regardless.

My life it seems these days is filled with work and family. My kids are now 3 & 5 years old and very active. My son is in swimming lessons two days a week and to those parents who are veteran taxi drivers for their kids, it probably doesn't seem like much. As a novice just starting out into that world I still find it shocking how much time that takes, not just the driving, but all else that it entails...

Okay, so if DS has to be a swimming at 5, I have to leave work by 3:30 so that I can feed the kids, organize a swim suit and pack a bag for DS, find things to occupy DD (3 yr olds don't sit quietly for 30 minutes), I have to leave the house by 4:30, OMG, why is there never any parking at the community center? Go home people!! Okay, got both kids, where are my keys... okay, got 'em. No don't touch that. Keep up. Come on we're going to be late. You don't have to look in every single window we pass. *sigh* Okay, come on. Strip kid, find instructor. Crud, the last class hasn't ended yet. Don't run. K, please don't sit in the puddle. No, you can't go into the water yet. I don't know why, 'cause that's the rule. Oh thank goodness, here comes the instructor. Find a seat... why aren't there any seats? Go HOME people!! Okay, read Dora for the 1,308,394 time. K, please come back here. Don't touch that. Don't sit in the puddle. Yes, I'll read the story AGAIN. Oh look, J's done. Wrap in towel. Find changing room. Why are there no changing rooms? Go HOME people!! Strip kid. Wet swimsuits are sooo fun to take off. Turn on shower without getting wet ('cause he's not strong enough to do it himself). *sigh* Dry off. Would have been nice if I'd had the time to change out of my work clothes. Shampoo. Soap. No, you have to rinse off first. Dry. Dress. Okay, time to go home, Yeah! No, we don't have to look in every window. Come on. *sigh* Don't touch that. Where are my keys... okay, strap two kids in. Off we go. NO, we can't go to McDonald's! Because I said so. Because we'll eat when we get home. Please, just stop talking. I'll pay you if you can be quiet until we get home. *sigh* Repeat twice a week.

And this is only the beginning... one day both kids will be in multiple things and my life will be a continuous version of this hell.

Oh, and yeah, I caved on the McDonald's thing, which isn't helping the whole weight loss thing.
posted by Krista at 9:00 AM


I love the look here. Everything looks awesome. Welcome back to blogging, I really do hope it helps you reach your goal.

Your story is the reason I will only have one child. Eliminate some of the stress!!!

11:16 AM  

I'm still here! *wave* Welcome back in blogland!

11:59 AM  

Welcome back! I just came back too, but I'm in a new place - both literally and figuratively.

Looking forward to your wit and charm once again ;)

2:31 PM  

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