The Brat Fights the Fat
January 24, 2007
2007 CHallenge Update
- Stay on points
- Exercise 3 times per week
- Lose a total of 4 lbs
Results - Weeks 1 & 2:
- Way over on points.
- Zip, zilch, nada, and rien.
- Gained a total of 0.4 lbs.
Results - Week 3
- Way over on points.
- 3 times
- Gained a 1.2 lbs.
I think that's why I haven't been posting. It's hard to admit how far from meeting the challenge I've been. I also owe you all pics from my fridge. I'll try to remember to do that tonight. I've started tracking again and excercising, so hopefully I'll see some results soon.
January 08, 2007
Recap of Week 1
I did stay within points. I did drink my water and eat better. I did not get my exercise in. Maybe, I could have pushed myself harder and found the time. But after working a 12 hour day, coming home to small kids (both of whom are sick and want Mommy), I just didn't have the energy. I'd get home and cuddle my daughter, who'd fall asleep on my lap. I'd put her to bed and then spend time with my son until he went to bed, at which point, my daughter would wake up. By the time both kids were in bed, all I wanted to do was have a few minutes to myself and then get some sleep. I used to workout in the mornings, but these days it doesn't seem to matter what time I set my alarm for, I can't seem to get out of bed until 6:30 am.
This week should be better.
Wednesday I join a WW group at work. It should be interesting to have WW meeting with people I work with. I have been an online member of WW for years, but have attended meetings. Hopefully it will help.
I haven't taken part in the fridge challenge yet, but will try to that this week. It's a bit of a disaster right now and I'm not as brave as those of you that posted before and after pics of their fridges. Once my reaches the after state, then I'll post the pic. (sorry, but my Mom reads this site).
That's all for now...
Labels: 2007 Challenge
January 03, 2007
2007 Challenge Day #3
Thanks for all the lovely comments, I hope to reciprocate more once this week is done.
I haven't exercised yet this week, but I'm hoping to do a tape tonight and will try to at least get a good 30 minute brisk walk in tomorrow.
Menu to date:
Triscuits (2.5)
Spaghetti w/ Meatballs & Garlic Toast (10)
Pork Chops, Carrots & Potatoes (7)
Cadbury Thin (2)
Pepsi (3)
Flex points used: 2.5 of 35
Water: 4 of 8 glasses
AP Earned: 0
Labels: 2007 Challenge
January 02, 2007
2007 Challenge Day #2
The comments from my 2007 co-challengers helped a lot, so thank you!!
January 01, 2007
Welcome 2007!
This year, I'm not setting myself up for failure. I always fail at new years resolutions, so instead I'm going to steal an idea from Grandma Jo. She always picks something fun, something that I'll want to do. Her new years resolution is to have more fun. I think mine will be to spend more time on the floor. Sounds odd doesn't it, but what I mean is that I plan to spend more time on the floor playing dolls, colouring, roughhousing, playing dinosaurs, etc.
While I'm not doing a diet related new years resolution, I have joined a 2007 challenge. My new years resolution and my reason for participating are the same. My goals for January are to lose 4lbs this month, to exercise 3 times each week and to stay OP at WW (including flex and AP). I think they're reasonable goals, so wish me luck. And wish the rest of the challengers luck too!
This week will be the most challenging of January. Work will be crazy and stressful and I have an assignment due tomorrow. It will be a good test of my resolve. I'm looking forward to getting back to regular posting too. I've missed this. I have been trying to keep up with your blogs, but have been primarily a lurker.
Anyway, I hope everyone had a great holiday!