The Brat Fights the Fat

September 27, 2006

I hate School

Okay who's idea was it for me to go back to school?!? Oh yeah, it was mine. ~sigh~

Actually, I don't hate school, I just need to be like the little Japanese guy on the show Heroes. He can stop and manipulate time. Wouldn't that be nice? He even managed to teleport himself from Japan to New York. That would be cool too. Think about all you could accomplish in a day if you could stop time or just think yourself instantly to another location. No more traffic. No more road rage. More sleep. Hell, I'd be happy with more than 5 hours of sleep a night.

Anyway, since it's unlikely that I'll learn how to bend the space time continuum, I guess I'll just have to keep at it.

I'll try to post more.

Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA JO! Yesterday Grandma Jo got even older!!
posted by Krista at 8:08 AM


LOL!! You are funny. Not sure about that show. It's kind of cheesy, but he was one of my favorite characters on the show.

12:50 AM  

congrats on going back to school!
What are you studying??

7:37 AM  

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