The Brat Fights the Fat

September 20, 2006


OMG!! Less than two months until Mexico!!!

I'm taking a Spanish for Travellers class at the local community center. Boy do we ever have a wide range of abilities. There's one lady who's having trouble with pretty much all of it and another who can pretty much carry on a conversation in Spanish. I'm somewhere in the middle and am very glad that I studied French growing up. I can at least roll my R's and have a pretty good grasp on the whole conjugation of verbs.

I went to the gym after class and did my workout. That brings me to 245 minutes so far this week for my 30303 Challenge. Happy to see Alea join us!! Welcome Alea!! And my Grandma Jo is joining the challenge too!! That's so stiff competition as both exercise a lot.

At the gym, tried running (run/walk) for the first time since my surgery. Happy to report that the "girls" felt fine. Though my legs and knees are in a bit of shock. I highly recommend running to Dancing with the stars. They did the Mambo & Quick Step last night, so that increased my tempo a bit. It felt good.

Not so good was the slurpee and small bag of chips I had when I got home. Oh well, c'est la vie.

Just read that Anne has joined the challenge too! Woohoo!
posted by Krista at 8:13 AM


There are a lot of similarities between French and Spanish words, if you need practise in Spanish let me know, I can dust mine off. But just be careful which words you try to supplement with your french vocabulary:

Por ejemplo:
en frances gateau = cake
en espagnol: gato = cat

do not try to eat the cat, they look at you strange.


10:35 AM  

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