The Brat Fights the Fat

April 10, 2006

No More Weekends Off

Okay, I've discovered that I absolutely can't miss blogging on the weekend. When I don't blog and am not accountable, I make bad choices. I'm pretty sure I'm okay points wise (but don't think I have any flex pts left), but really just didn't make healthy food choices. Of course, the fact that it's TOM didn't help. But, today is a new day.

Had a fun weekend... went on a date with my DH on Friday night (thanks to my brother - he gave us a GC for the movie theater and a voucher for babysitting for Christmas). DH went golfing the first time this year on Saturday, so me and the beasts just hung around and played. Then Sunday we went to DH's grandparents to help the set up & learn to use their very first computer. Can you imaging learning to use a computer at 80+ years. Good for them. They got a kick out of watching the beasts run wild in their pristine, white carpeted house. Luckily nothing was damaged.

The most fun this weekend though was planning how we're going to rearrange our house. We'd thought about moving, but to find something that fits our needs and our budget... it's just not happening. So instead, we're going to try to make better use of our space. Spend a bit of money and completely rearrange things. I think it's going to be quite nice, but a lot of work.

Bootcamp was good today... my shoulders hurt. Paper is really heavy. Anything above my head is off limits. I'm supposed to go and play badminton today too. We'll see if I can lift the racket first before I commit to going.

Menu So Far:
Rice Cakes (2)
OJ (1)

Pts: 3/22 (Flex pts left 0)
Water: 0L/2L
AP: 3
Sleep: 5 ish <-- lots of weird dreams last night (including my DS being chased by an eel and mud shark?? Yeah, don't know where that came from either). Woke up feeling like I haden't slept at all
posted by Krista at 8:18 AM


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