The Brat Fights the Fat

April 07, 2006

1/2 Way There

I'm half way done the bootcamp! Woohooo!! And I get to sleep in tomorrow (pretty please Scott... please, please pleeeeeaaaaaasseee!). I haven't been paying much attention to changes in my appearance, but man have I ever noticed a change in my strength. I can't believe how much stronger I feel. My legs, my arm, my abs... everything. I can now do 50 crunches in 50 seconds. I can do 4 minutes of squats (okay, I still want to cry by the end, but I can do it). We're up to 10 lb weights on the bicept curls. It's a pretty cool feeling. I know it sounds pretty intimidating, but if there's one near you, I would highly recommend giving it a try. Anyone can do it! We have a very nice man in our class that's probably in the 300+ range and he's doing wonderful. Because you do what you can (i.e. you walk when you have to walk or modify the exercises), anyone can do it. It's funny, but even the skinny minis from work that are taking it with me are finding it challenging. They just run faster than I do (though I kick there butts in ab work). I lot of you have said that you couldn't do it and I think you could. Anyway, I'll stop now.

My grandmother moved this week. My grandfather passed away in August and she's sold the house they lived in for 50 years. It's been really tough on my family (my mom & aunts & uncles) as they lived their whole childhood in this house. It must have been like losing him all over again. We all have so many memories in that house. We were a really close family and would all get together usually every summer. I used to spend at least a week there every year and since they lived on the Island, as most of the family did, it was my chance to play with my cousins. I remember playing in the fields. The games and adventures we all had. Making cinnamon buns in the kitchen with Grandma. Grandpa putting me "to work" in my work clothes that I kept there. The city kid romping in the country. 1001 happy memories. I will miss that.

Will post more later...

Okay, I feel better now. On to WW stuff. I'm joining Michelle's 100 day challenge. So for the next 100 days I will...

So, thanks again Michelle for another great challenge. Shall we see who can do the most consecutive days on track?

Menu So Far

posted by Krista at 7:53 AM


Aw Krista...I felt the same way when my grandma many memories.

yes, please join me for the 100 day challenge. i really need to do this. i spent last night crying my eyes out about my weight. i just don't want to do that anymore.

You are doing awesome at bootcamp!!! 4 minutes of squats...ugh...

8:27 AM  

Glad to hear you're enjoying your boot camp experience. I wanted to join one but as far as I can tell there isn't one in my area.

8:30 AM  

I think I'm going to have to go back and read some of your early posts about this boot camp thing, where is it you're doing this??

Sounds interesting.. hm.

9:48 AM  

Good luck on the challenge! If you can do bootcamp you can do this!

9:08 PM  

Amazing doll, I am so proud of you.


7:41 PM  

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