The Brat Fights the Fat

April 29, 2006

Angel is Lovely!

Well, Angel has definitely bonded with me. She follows me around and gets sooo excited when I walk in the door. When I sit down on the couch, she's like a little rocket and leaps right onto my lap with her paws on my shoulders. She doesn't lick, just stares at you with her face right in yours.

Had a pretty good day. Angel definitely gets me out of the house, even if I don't get much exercise on our walks. She has to sniff everything and then she likes to circle around me and make me dizzy. Still, it was nice to be outside.

Went to White Spot for dinner... we'd planned on going to Boston Pizza. In fact, we went to Boston Pizza, but after 20 minutes of waiting for them to take our drink order... I was too ticked and the kids were tired and hungry. So, when the waitress finally got to our table, I said "sorry, but after waiting twenty minutes for you to finally stop at our table, it's just not worth the wait" and packed up the kids and left. It wasn't even busy and the waitress served customers at the table next to ours that had sat down 10 minutes after us. She took their drink order, brought their drinks and took their food order before stoping at our table, despite the fact that I'd given her the raised eyebrow look and had the menus on the edge of the table. It was very annoying.

Anyway, five hours later I went to White Spot by myself and had the low cal chargrilled chicken burger with fries & a diet coke. I only ate about 8 fries, so dinner was only 11 pts. Ordered the chocolate passion cake, but only ate about a third of it, which is probably another 11 pts. Oh well, it was really good and I didn't finish it. Small victories.
posted by Krista at 11:24 PM


oh, what a doll!!

Those little guys aren't very common at all - I'm impressed you found one in Canada even.

She looks like she'll have a sweet disposition (yeah, okay, that's a stretch from a photo, I know...). Enjoy!

7:36 PM  

I get annoyed by the same thing...waitresses forgetting you are 'their' table etc...even at the Boston Pizza here, you are practically eating each other before the servers arrive at the table.

You pupp is real cute Krista!

7:58 AM  

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10:41 AM  

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