The Brat Fights the Fat

February 11, 2006

Princess Pukes-A-Lot Strikes Again

My daughter has been throwing up all day. I was supposed to be going to a friend's surprise 30th birthday party tonight with my husband. A night away from the kids. Adult Conversation. Even some alcohol and bad food. Instead, I've been puked on 4 times today. Ate bad foods and got to stay home with Princess while everyone else is out having fun. Okay, enough pity party.

My abs are still sore, but in a good way. I'm past the point of thinking my trainer is evil and am actually looking forward to working out. I either need to buy a big ball for home tomorrow or I need to go to the gym at work and workout. Either way, I'm determined to do some exercise tomorrow.

On another note... Yesterday was a blast! It's been too long since I spent the day hanging out with a girlfriend. We shopped. Had lunch. Shopped. Went to see Brokeback Mountain. Shopped. It was wonderful. Spent too much money, but did better than I expected on points. All in all a great day.
posted by Krista at 8:43 PM


How did you like Brokeback Mountain? I cried at the end :(

Glad you had a great time out with your friend, I haven't been shopping in sooooo long!!

I hope your daughter is feeling better soon, poor thing!

9:30 PM  

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