The Brat Fights the Fat

July 29, 2006

Post Op Update

Hi all!

Thanks for the well wishes and comments.

So the surgery... I gotta tell you sometimes it pays to be a pain. Because I have a condition that can cause me to faint with seizure-like activity I got lots of special treatment. First one in on the day of the surgery... nice dose of adavan as soon as I arrive. Tucked into bed with some lovely oxygen... best way to have surgery. I don't even remember them putting me to sleep. In fact, I don't remember most of that day. I have a few flashes, I remember waking up in the recovery room, but I don't remember leaving the hospital or coming home at all.

One piece of advice... don't try to go to the bathroom by yourself in the middle of the night following surgery. I felt great, thought I could do it. One minute I'm going pee, the next I'm laying on the floor in my husband's arms. Apparently I was out for a good 8 minutes after passing out into the shower. Luckily there was a garbage bag on the floor in the bathroom to break my fall. Oops.

Tylenol 3's are my friend. Antibiotics that make me nauseous are not.

I have to say to anyone planning on having a breast reduction done, lose as much excess weight ahead of time as you can. When I first went to my surgeon, I was told that I would have to have the larger anchor type incision. Between then and my actual surgery, I lost 25 lbs and was able to have the smaller incision. It's made a huge difference. The women I've talked to that have had the larger incision had way more pain and way less mobility. Talk about a great reward for loosing the weight. I have some discomfort, but I can lift my arms above my head. I can open a pop bottle. I'm also happy to report (and so is my husband) that I still have sensation in my nipples.

My surgery was Friday morning. I spent Friday night, Saturday and Sunday at home. Don't remember most of those days and spent most of my time sleeping. On Sunday I went home with my Mom for the week, where I was guarded closely, fed healthy delicious meals and slept 20 out of every 24 hours. It was wonderful. I came home yesterday. It was great to see my kids and to sleep in my own bed. The kids have been great and haven't been trying to climb me much. DH has been taking good care of me and the kids (though I do miss Daddy's steak). My biggest complaint is the nausea. Which I'm hoping will stop once I'm finished the antibiotics.

My breasts look like they've been beaten up, but still look like breasts. The bandages are off, the drains are out. The stitches will eventually dissolve. They're still a bit swollen and I'm looking forward to seeing what they'll look like once they've healed. Everyone can't get over how much skinnier I look with smaller boobs. And while they look tiny to me, they're still a nice size. And they're PERKY!! All in all I'm happy with the results.
posted by Krista at 2:23 PM


Glad to hear the surgery was a success and that you are pleased with the results. You'll have to come over and show off the new girls. I can't wait to get mine done come the end of my breastfeeding days!

Hope you make a speedy recovery before the end of bikini season!

7:39 PM  

Krista..the nausea is likely from the tylenol 3's. They have that affect on most people.

Glad to hear all went well with the surgery. The bruising takes awhile to go away and the swelling seems to keep going down for months until it stops. Did they tell you how many grams they removed???? I think I was down 4lbs on the scale after mine.

10:09 AM  

SO glad everything went well - I hope you are feeling better soon!

11:08 AM  

Glad you are doing well! Adavan is some nice stuff! I have a few friends that have had reductions and boy they do look thinner after. What a nice boost to the morale! And perky doesn't hurt either.

7:38 AM  

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