The Brat Fights the Fat

July 11, 2006

Ow Ow Ow!

Well, definitely feeling the pain from my meeting with my personal trainer. It wasn't even a full workout. She'd show me what I was to do and then I'd do some so she could check my form. Can I ever feel my abs. Ow! She has me doing this one exercise that had me giggling throughout. It was fun and didn't feel like working out at all. Evil!! Evil!! Evil!! The innocent and fun little exercise is what is causing the pain today. I'll hurt the next person that makes me laugh. Anyway, this exercise involved lying on your back holding an exercise ball above your head. You then toss the ball AND catch it with your feet. Yup that's right, you are actually supposed to catch it with your feet. So once I've retrieved the runaway ball, you're then supposed to get your feet to toss the ball back and catch it with your hands. Once you've retrieved the runaway ball again, you repeat 20 times. Apparently with practice it's supposed to be a smooth and graceful exercise. Scott, STOP LAUGHING!! You too Joanne!! There's a small possibility that it may look graceful when I do it. I said stop laughing!! I think I'll do this particular exercise at home.

I actually did go back to the gym this morning and did a cardio workout too, so I'm on the right track again. I was happy to note that while I wasn't at the level I was before I stopped exercising, I also wasn't at the level I was when I first started exercising. I should be back to where I was pretty quickly and hopefully will get further along.

I'm getting back on track food wise again. Nice healthy dinner last night. Another planned for tonight. Went out for lunch today, but went to Subway instead of other FF (thank you Scott). Drinking water again and cutting back/out pop. I haven't been feeling great lately and I think once I get a couple of days of being on track under my belt, I'll feel a lot better. Some sleep would help too.

Now that I'm back on track, I should be better at posting again. (I hope).
posted by Krista at 2:57 PM


Hey Krista,
I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for the kind words you left on my blog. They mean a lot to me and the support that is behind them is so very important. Thank you.

6:21 PM  

Hey chicka!!!....and lurking hubbie! Just popping in to say that I'll come back and let you know how it goes with the out-laws!!! I am gearing up for it already..we pick them up from the airport on Sunday, they are flying in from England. Good gracious! someone help me not punch her ;)

6:55 PM  

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