The Brat Fights the Fat

January 24, 2006

Sick Men

Why is it that men turn into idiots when they get sick? My husband sat on the couch for an hour in pain, whimpering. He ignored all of my suggestions (what would I know, considering I was where he is yesterday). Finally I force feed him some medicine and put an ice pack on his head and he's shocked when he starts feeling better. What an idiot. It's almost like he'd rather have the attention from being sick than do something to make himself feel better.
posted by Krista at 10:58 PM


Haha my dad is the same way. When my mom gets sick she sucks it up, does her job plus cooks and cleans the house if need be. When my dad gets sick it's like everyone has to stop what they are doing and look after the baby. He whines and complains and you can tell even sometimes fake coughs LOL

10:22 AM  

You are far too kind to your DH Krista! I'd just throw a Neo Citrin at mine and go shopping!

8:31 PM  

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