The Brat Fights the Fat

January 23, 2006

Sicker Monday

Yesterday was not a fun day. My DS got hit with DD's cold and I don't want to sound sexist, but man, why is it that guys turn to mush when they get sick? The poor guy was so pathetic and whined and cried for hours. He finally threw up all over his bed at 9 pm and then fell asleep. I'm hoping he feels better when he wakes up. My nanny called in sick (same bug as the rest of us) and I feel like h*ll, so I called in sick too. I'd probably be better off at work 'cause I still have to get my work done (serious deadlines that are not negotiable), but now I have to do it while caring for a bunch of sick and whinny people (including me in the list). I'm hopeful that everyone will be feeling better soon.
Okay enough of my whining!

Think if I live on crackers and OJ today, I may actually be down for my WI tomorrow morning?

Well, I think I actually worked more hours at home than I would have at work, but I made all my deadlines and I'm in pretty good shape for tomorrow. My DD spent almost the whole day on my lap, which made typing a bit challenging. But I'm so relieved that both kids seem to be feeling better, I almost didn't mind being sick myself (almost!!).

I've been trying not to drink any cola, but discovered that carbonated pop actually soothes my tortured throat. Oh well, one pop is still a long way from the three to four a day I was doing before and tomorrow's another day... EEK! I just realized tomorrow is WI. Wish me luck!!
posted by Krista at 8:17 AM


Aww I hope you are all feeling better real soon!

7:04 PM  

HEY!!! Is this who I think it is?

I found this page while suffering from insomnia last night (through a maze of other personal weight loss blogs).

Congrats on your journey thus far. Are ya' still running at the track?

10:10 PM  

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